Just felt like sharing a few of my favorite things of the week. I spent the better part of the week reading, so not much happened to blog about. I did want to write up a post about a couple of books I’ve read that I wholeheartedly recommend, but this was quicker and there were a few blog posts that I read that I wanted to share as well. (But I’ll still write that Booklove post. Look for it soon.)
– Looking for a good book to read? I suggest Tandem by Anna Jarzab. It was one of the books I got at BEA this year, but I just got around to reading it and it was so good, I read it in a day. It’s a YA novel about a sixteen year old girl named Sasha who lands herself in an alternate, parallel universe, where she is forced to be her alternate self: a princess. It’s a bit science fiction and a bit romance. It’s the first book to a trilogy and I honestly can’t wait for the sequel, Tether, to come out in June 2014. I highly recommend!
– This blog post about how Neville Longbottom is the Most Important Person in Harry Potter. Definitely worth the read and absolutely true! There might not have been a Harry Potter at all without Neville. That’s why we in the fandom have dubbed him a BAMF!
– Get Real: On Being Multi-Passionate by Amie from Completely Unfinished. I agree with everything said. I found myself a while ago thinking I should narrow my focus on my blog (and other things), but decided against it because it feels so suffocating. I like being able to do a lot of things that I’m really passionate about, despite society’s need for me to just stick with one thing. I’m slowly starting to realize that I’m not the only one who’s like this and it’s awesome.