Hello lovelies!
I just wanted to pop on and share a little look at my 5 year journal and share how I’ve been keeping it.
I was heavily inspired by James Burke at the start of the year to try out keeping a 5 year journal. I initially DIYed a 3 year journal in a small Muji notebook, with the year being split between two notebooks. But when I couldn’t find another 0f the same Muji notebook to do the second half of the year, I decided to buy this 5 year journal from Typo. I’ve been painstakingly transferring the contents of the small Muji notebook into this large 5 year journal while trying to keep current with it too. It’s been a process, but I’m at a place where I feel like I can share how I’ve been doing with it.
Honestly, I really love keeping this journal! I find that taking some time at the end of each day to just journal either what I did that day or how I’ve been feeling has been rather nice. Just jotting down little snippets of my life each day. I’m really excited for the next few years though. I can’t wait to see how they unfold and how they compare to each other in the end.
Anyway, have a look at my journal flip below. I really hope this inspires you and that you enjoy! xx