So, it’s officially been a year today that I created this blog. My intention was to blog a little every week on the topic of love and what love is. Along the way, the theme sort of changed. I got really into art journaling and different types of journal documentation and scrapbooking that I wanted to share those things too, so I would post them here as well. It just seemed easier than starting another blog for my more personal bits. But I liked that I got to share those things with you. These are all things that I love to do and that was the point of exploring the topic of love, right?
What I do miss are those insightful posts I used to write on some topic of love that bothered me or confused me with great interest. What I like about writing those was that it made me think and question life and people and how we think and/or act about certain things. I was collecting quotes that I wanted to go deeper into their meanings, to maybe uncover a reason why we retell and reblog them all the time. These posts were very thoughtful and sometimes quiet difficult to write, but I enjoyed the process of them.
Now, I don’t really make any sort of new years resolutions–because I happen to think they’re stupid and not many people actually resolve anything within the year–but I will propose a few goals for myself for 2014. One would be to write more thoughtful and insightful posts. I can still share my crafts and my mixtapes and everything, but I should also read more and think about what I’m reading and write about what I think and how I feel about certain things. I really enjoyed that and I don’t know why I ever stopped, so I’m going to bring that back.
Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy One Year to My Blog, formally known as aerial love. Here’s to many more fun years!