An Introduction in my October Magic 2022 Journal | Journal with Me ✩ 61

Hey Lovelies.
October is fast approaching and I was so eager to dive into my journal for October Magic that I went ahead and made my introduction spread and filmed the entire process to share with you.
In short, October Magic is a fun journaling challenge I created for the month of October. It’s essentially my take on October Daily and it’s totally free to join in! Definitely check out the info page I made where I share more about the prompts, the entire prompts list, and what I’ll be using for the month. I will occasionally have some process videos posted on that page as well.

I’m so excited for this to begin. But I wanted to share how I went about beginning my journal now, in case you have a bit of trouble starting one of these themed journals.
You can watch how this spread came together below. I really hope you enjoy the challenge! xx