Dear Feet,
You’ve taken me to so many amazing places, walked me through time and history, kept me grounded in my world and supported my weight through so many adventures. We’ve touched the earth in so many different places. We experienced so many new lands and cultures and habitats. We adapted. We took barefooted strolls along the beaches of the Mediterranean, and the Caribbean, and the Pacific and Thailand. We hiked mountains and volcanos, tiptoed through temples and shrines, and traversed through the busy hectic streets of New York City.
You are strong, Feet. Much stronger than I give you credit for. Those calluses on your soles are proof of your hard work, of your dedication to taking me places. We’ve been all around the world, Feet, and we still have so much more land to explore.
You are dependable, Feet. The only time you ever let me down is when I have trouble finding cute shoes that actually fit. For you are a long size 8, but a very slender one. The average medium width does not fit you. You just have to be different. But it’s a magical moment when we find a perfect fit. Those shoes were meant to be.
But I like to walk on you barefooted. I always say I breathe through my feet and when you’re bare I feel most at peace. There’s just something about feeling the ground below me. It’s so simple and raw and if I could, I’d walk the entire world barefooted.
So thank you for supporting me.
sincerely yours, T

Unravelling my thoughts and revelations that I have found out about myself and my life by looking deeper at the world around me. Inspired by Susannah Conway’s Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself e-course and her book This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart.