Dear Love,
I’ve always questioned you. And I suppose that I still do. I will never truly understand the entire scope of your reach until I deeply witness it first hand. I don’t think I’ve ever been “in love.” I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I still have time, but I think it’s unfortunate. I’ve been “in like” with a person but I never trust them enough to fall head first into your abyss. My time will come. I’m hopeful about it.
But I do know a thing or two about you, Love. I know that I can find you always in happy times. And I know I can rely on you to be there in my most darkest hour. Because you radiate a light so bright it permeates through even the deepest of places, reaching into the darkest of caverns, and can heal the saddest of souls. You manifest in everything and everyone. I’ve always said you were completely aerial.
I know what unconditional love looks like. I’m not entirely sure if I feel it towards anyone, but I know a few souls who feel it towards me. I see you in my dog, in his excitement when I come home from work, his tail wagging as he jumps up to greet me. However awful I scold him for something he did that was bad, he’s still there resting his furry head on my chest whenever I have had a bad day and just need a cuddle. That’s you unconditionally, Love.
I see it in my mother. She’s probably the one human in the entire world that love me so much. You encompass her, Love. She’s filled with so much good, gentle love and she hardly ever keeps it to herself. She is a great person and I’m glad she loves me unconditionally.
While I see you everywhere Love, I still burn with so many questions. You are good and sometimes bad. You are short and fleeting, and sometimes long-lasting. You are complicated and different and mysterious and frustrating. You encompass s much and yet we always se so little of you. You bless the lucky few who get that rare opportunity to find the best and most strongest version of you that’s thrilling and heart-wrenching and exciting, filled with passion and so much love. Love, I hope you bless me like that one day, so I too can be of those lucky ones.
sincerely yours, T
Unravelling my thoughts and revelations that I have found out about myself and my life by looking deeper at the world around me. Inspired by Susannah Conway’s Unravelling: Ways of Seeing Myself e-course and her book This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart.