Hello Lovelies.
I just wanted to share a spread I recently did in my bloom journal.
I managed to sit down one day and just play in my journals. It’s been a bit challenging for me to take time out of my weeks to just get crafty. I recently accepted a small temp job, which seems to be neverending because they keep extending my time there! I don’t mind as I can definitely use the money, but my hours are constantly shifting that it’s been a little tricky to create some sort of schedule for myself when I am home and able to work on my own projects. On top of that, I’ve been helping my aunt get her shop website up and that’s been taking up a lot of free time I would have for my own stuff too. So it’s been challenging. Sometimes when I know I should be working on my aunt’s project, I have to tell myself to take a little “me time” and do something creative and fun because we all need a little break sometimes! I honestly just can’t wait until one of these little gigs is over so that I can have a better balance between the work and play bit.
I managed to film my little process, which you can enjoy watching below. I worked on this spread in two different sittings because I just didn’t know what to write in the space I allotted myself for journaling. I guess the thoughts just had to ruminate a little bit before they were ready to spill out onto the page. That happens sometimes and I just embrace it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this journal with me!