Today marks the first day in which the Supreme Court will hear cases to legalize same-sex marriage.
I know this is a touchy subject, but it’s one that permeates through today’s society. Like any civil rights movement, LGBT movement has begun and will stay around until long after all of their rights are granted to them in the federal government. Same-sex marriage is just one right that’s being fought for and a major one at that.
Now, I’m not going to say that same-sex marriage is good or bad or whatever (this is not that type of post), but I will say that in a country where were value every human right to all freedoms, I think it’s a bit hypocritical not to grant same-sex marriage to all. This country has a nasty habit of mixing religion with the state when it really shouldn’t. The United States of America was founded on the basis of freedom from any and all prosecution religious especially. To say to someone they can’t get married because the Bible says it’s wrong, isn’t a justified answer. Not everyone in this country is Christian, or Jewish, or Islamic, or Hindu, or Buddhist. Some people are agnostic or atheist. Your own personal religious beliefs should never interfere between two people who love each other.
I mean, it’s like saying eating mushroom pizza is bad. So if you like mushroom pizza and eat it, you’re bad because of the association. But you like it. Just because a group of people thinks it’s wrong doesn’t mean it is…okay, that was a bad example but still.
It’s not like granting same-sex marriage to a wide group of people is going to destroy who you are as a person, whether you agree with it or not. Really, it’s none of your business to say what another person can or cannot do based solely on their sexual preference. If you as a heterosexual have the right, then any person, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender, Asexual should have that same right. Americans just like to dictate what people can or cannot do based on what they say is right and that seems a bit hypocritical and just downright selfish.
If love is love no matter what the circumstances then why can’t we all just put our own personal beliefs, morals, ethics, whatever aside and accept love for what it is, in all its shapes, colors, textures, smells and sounds?
Love is love. Stop fighting it and embrace it for what it is.