“People should fall in love with their eyes closed.”
– Andy Warhol
I suppose that is easier said than done. Some sort of physical attraction must be there for either party in a potential relationship to initiate said relationship. We are always attracted to something and usually it’s how the person looks. Whether it be how they keep their hair, or the color of their eyes, or big muscles, curvy bodies, etc, it’s always something physical.
I think we all secretly wish that the people around us would like us simply for being ourselves, regardless of how we look. I know I feel this way, but it may seem like a somewhat unrealistic things to wish about because of the society we live in. Today is all about style. And I say “style” over “how we look” because the mass majority of people in this world live by trends. Trends are everywhere and unfortunately, we are all susceptible to them, whether we consciously realize it or not. Trends giveaway to style and each generation is known for specific styles. Style decides whether one is cool or relevant. If you don’t fall into some style that’s currently relevant, people just naturally think you’re weird, odd or different and for some reason unknown to man, nobody likes different.
What Warhol is saying is different and I like it very much. No everyone in this world is the same. We are all different and to physically judge someone based on their differentness is unjust. Sure, if we all gave each other a chance and got to know each other without all the physicality then maybe you can judge someone for their differentness and gauge whether or not they are right for you. But to simply say “oh he’s not my type because he wears glasses” or “women with big breasts are more my style” is base, so common.
I think we should fall in love with their voices. Or how they say the word “sorry.” Fall in love with how they bite their lower lip when they’re nervous about something. Or how they are absolutely passionate about their art or work. Sure, it’s a plus if you happen to be attracted to their eyes or simply just how they look, but I do think that that physical attraction can be acquired once you’ve fallen in love with your eyes closed.