It’s September 1st. The Hogwarts Express has left Platform 9 3/4 and is headed off into the hills of Scotland, carrying hundreds of young wizards and witches back to school.
What I’m trying to say here is summer is over. While it may not feel like it’s over for some people (like me, who don’t have to go back to school ever) and I mean, the weather seems remotely like summer today, summer is drawing to a close. It makes me a bit sad because it seemed so short compared to, oh let’s say, winter. However, I am looking forward to autumn because it’s my favorite season, despite my reluctance to start wearing pants again.
Anyway, here are a few of the last pages of my Summer of Love art journal. I finished up the book yesterday and while it’s not as thick as I thought it would be, it’s pretty thick considering how much time I was able to spend on it. Next year’s journal is definitely going to be loads bigger (I hope), but I only say that because I can gather all my supplies in advance (like getting a book in time for summer) and I’ve already got the entire class pdf, so I don’t have to wait for Kara’s posts. I can just drive right into it. That, and I’m looking forward to incorporating Natalie Malik’s In The Sun summer art journaling class into my 2014 Summer of Love journal. It seems very much like Kara’s class, except that Natalie has different journaling techniques that I’d love to try out for next time. Plus, with both her 2011 and 2012 classes (which are free to view on their respective class blogs) there are over 100 art journaling prompts! I’m so very excited about this and a bit sad that I didn’t look into them for this summer. I mean, I’ve been following Natty on her blog Genuine Major (formally Awkward & Beautiful) for awhile now, I should have looked into them.
But oh well.
More to discover next summer!