Hello! I’m alive! Haha, actually I’ve been around, just a bit busy working on an album cover project for a new artist, babysitting, getting sick with the flu, continuing my redesign of the trash shop and adding new products, reading some Sarah Dessen and my backlog on Nylon magazine. I haven’t had much time for anything else, let along things to write about for the blog. I’m hoping that changes now that I’ve got a bit of downtime, plus a dozen creative classes and projects to start!
Sometime, a week or so ago, the lovely Kara Haupt of I Just Might Explode, re-released her Play That Song art journal course. I’ve been eyeing it for such a long time–since my purchase of Summer of Love 2013–but never got around to buying it. Adding new content to the class motivated me to actually getting it and it’s been so much fun! I love music and occasionally I would do a page or two journaling a few lyrics from a song. Well Kara’s class is basically that and more. You make your own doily journal from a composition notebook and it’s solely for art journaling about music. It’s a great class to get started in art journaling or just to try something new.
I can’t wait to have more time to do the rest of the prompts from this class. I also recently won an entry into Kara’s Tell A Story class from Kristin of rukristin papercrafts, so I’ve got that class to work through as well, along with the rest of the Studio Calico classes I have yet to finish. So many classes! Plus, I’m waiting for Maggie Holmes’ Mini Book class at Studio Calico to open registration, so I can register for that one, which begins in May! So many scrapbooking and art journaling classes to take! I love them though and for the most part–like Kara’s classes–you can always go back to them and do them whenever you want, or whenever you have the time. I think I have enough prompts and techniques to try to last me all summer! It’s great because I have all these projects in mind. I’m still working on my Brave Girls series and I want to do something specific for Kristin’s Awesome Ladies Project as well. There’s just not enough time in the day for everything!
Anyway, here’s a few pictures of my Play That Song art journal! I worked on the cover throughout the week and did the first four pages Friday night during the Awesome Ladies Project night. These are very different from my past journaling pages, but I think they all came out so great!