Hello Lovelies.
So I’ve been continuing slowly in my unraveling journal. Much like my Touchstone journal, I haven’t had much time to sit down and journal. I suppose I can make the time for it, but I have so many other things I need to get done that are a bit more priority. Doesn’t that suck? Like I agreed to help my aunt create a website for her new business and take photos of products way before I ever got a job offer, so I’ve been using my free time after work to work on that. It’s been exhausting especially when all I want to do after work is watch movies and craft. I’ve been trying to be good to myself and consciously say “no I can’t do that today” when I feel the urge to continue to do work work when I know I need some sort of break. But still, that leaves little “free” time.
I’ve been working through a list of prompts I created for myself to get me working through my unfurling process and into my unraveling journal. I’ve really been enjoying these prompts! I just wish I had time to set aside to work through them. At the same time, I’m beta testing them for my “how to start and keep and unraveling journal” ebook/workbook I’m currently creating, so I’m not quite sure how genuine it is to be using them to work through my unraveling journal. But still, I kind of wish I could work through these prompts faster.
But these are a few pages I’ve created recently. I really love my little vision board spread. I feel like that’s one prompt I may repeat over and over again in my journals. My little envelopes of hopes and dreams is another favorite of mine too. I just really love how some of these pages are turning out!