I just wanted to come on and share some pages from my 2020 scraptherapy book.
I’ve been quietly working in this little book that I made some time ago. I actually shared a video on how I constructed this and my intentions for it, in case you missed it. It’s a little 5×7-ish book that I made from two pieces of chipboard covered in fabric and paper. The insides are various papers, but mostly planner inserts from an old Maggie Holmes planner I bought ages ago but never used. It’s all held together with really pretty white binder rings I purchased from Aliexpress.

I’ve thought a lot about how I’m keeping this little book. Initially, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep a strictly scraptherapy book or do a hybrid memory planner with it. With the addition of the planner pages, I figured that was doable. But as I began working in it, I realized that I just want a place to document my thoughts and play. I don’t want to be tied down to having to document my days in this little book. I fear that I may grow tired of it if I tried to do that.
So I’m just going to keep it rather free-flowing. I did want to break it up by month, but I’ve already seamlessly merged January with February, so I guess that’s not happening either. But it’s fine. When I pigeonhole myself into keeping things chronologically, I find that I often feel restrained and tied down to making something every month or every day. I don’t want to feel like that this year. I want this book to grow organically.
However, I do want to keep some sort of yearly memory keeping thing.
With scraptherapy, I’m not necessarily documenting my everyday. It’s mostly random thoughts and feelings I have paired up with a nice photo or sometimes no photo! That’s the beauty of it. So far, I’ve been gratitude journaling, which again, isn’t necessarily memory keeping.
But I’ve been watching a lot of Stephanie Bryan Project Life videos recently, and I’ve suddenly had the urge to try Project Life again. I know it’s completely absurd since that system never really worked for me the way I wanted it to, but I do enjoy creating pocket pages when I make them.
I can’t do Project Life weekly though, like most people do. That was a struggle even in my memory planners. I just don’t do enough or take enough photos in a week to warrant an entire pocket page spread. So I’ve decided that I’m going to keep my Project Life project monthly: a two page spread recapping each month. That way I’ll have enough to document and I get to create one pocket page spread a month.
I’m really inspired to make these two projects work for me this year.
It’s funny that I’m just getting around to actually thinking about how I want to document my year!
To be honest, January seemed like a real blur. I was too busy finishing up 2019 and then traveling to even think about 2020. Safe to say my year didn’t officially begin until February 1st. But I’m glad I have some sort of heading now and that I’ve finally begun my scraptherapy book! I had been dreaming about setting up and working in it the entire time I was away in France. I’ve been adding a little bit to it every evening I’ve been home, and it’s been gradually growing.
Anyway, I just wanted to pop in a share these pages that I’ve done so far. They are looking very fun and bright. I can almost sense spring is near! My pages definitely give off that spring/summer vibe. And I’m completely okay with it because that’s what makes me happy.