This December has been a very weird one. Honestly, looking back, this entire year was weird. I was talking to one of my best friends recently and we both agreed that 2021 was A LOT harder than 2020 to deal with. I know a lot of people who found 2020 to be very hard, but for us, this year was the difficult one. So truthfully, I’m glad it’s almost over. I’m trying to be optimistic about next year. I know we’re living in the “new normal” now and that’s not going away any time soon, but I guess just finding a better flow to this new life and maybe re-accomplishing a few goals again will get me to a better place, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Right now I just feel really drained. So I’m hoping for a better tomorrow.
Anyway, here are a few things I’ve been enjoying this month.
Hawkeye on Disney+…and quite possibly every Spiderman movie ever except the new one cause I’m not sure if I want to brave the theaters or wait for it to land on streaming. IDK. I’ll see how the holidays go in terms of C-spread in the city and make a decision then. Honestly, I might wait until the new year then catch a matinee on a weekday somewhere. But I’ve been really enjoying Hawkeye! Waiting for the very last episode to hit on the 22 and excited to see how it ends!
in my December Daily journal. I’ve been very low-key about my December journal for various reasons, the main one being I just don’t have the energy and mental capacity to actually do December Daily right. So I’ve been keeping a small A6 journal that I play in every so often when I feel the urge to paint, stick, and write. And it’s been good. I’ve been posting my pages on Instagram as I get around to photographing them. So if you’re curious as to how that’s been going, give me a follow there.
an artsy personal Instagram feed. I had a very intense urge to begin again—basically start completely over my life, my art, the way in which I create and share my life. I seriously thought about pulling a Suse and deleting everything and starting again. But I know how that feels to be on the other side of things and I have way too much content that I know people love and enjoy to completely wipe it all away. So to satisfy my urge to show up more authentically, I restarted my a gentle unfurling IG account. This is going to be a creative—curated—space where I can primarily showcase my writing in the captions. I’m treating it as a little microblog into my life.
I’m always writing myself these little notes in my phone’s Notes app and a lot of it is deeply personal and insightful and I think shows more of my personality better than aerialovely does. I know a lot of people just follow me for crafty content and I honestly didn’t want to bog my feed down with these posts, so I’ve created a space for myself to share them. It’s also a place where I’m following all of my “in real life” friends and family. Following a lo to crafty accounts that actively post daily often overshadows my friends’ accounts, so I literally never see their posts. Having a separate account just to follow them has been nice. Most don’t post often, but when they do, it makes me happy to actually see their posts! So follow me over there too if you’re curious what I’m up to. xx