June was a trip and I honestly can’t believe it’s over. This year is literally going to fly right on by now that we’re over halfway done with it. It’s bittersweet really. I really wanted this year to rock but so far it hasn’t gone the way that I hoped. And June was just a turbulent of emotions. Oh and I also got Covid…
So with all that said though, here are a few things I enjoyed this month:

All About Love: New Visions by bell hooks. I actually haven’t finished reading this yet, so I can’t comment properly on it. But so far I’ve been enjoying it. It’s more of a social observation on love.
Along For the Ride, Love & Gelato, and season 3 of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix, Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on Disney+. I watched a lot of things while isolated in bed with Covid during the second half of this month. While I enjoyed both Along For the Ride and Love & Gelato, I was quite disappointed in them because both films are waaay different from the books they are based on. Really liked Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy and Dr. Strange was interesting.

Listening To
Still Ed Sheeran.
That it’s okay to take a break and pause on creating to share. I haven’t had it in me to create and share like I’ve used to in a while now. So I gave myself a little grace and have only been journaling for myself. Whether or not I share it has been up to how I’m feeling at that moment, but it’s been nice to simply create solely for myself and not make things for the promise of sharing it later.